Caribbean Tiramisu

Rating: 3.1111 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


Mascarpone cream:



Provide a mold for the Caribbean tiramisu. You can also layer the tiramisu right away in large glasses or bowls. Peel and dice the mango. Dice the peaches as well, add them to the mango and puree with some peach juice. Squeeze the blood orange and add to the mango puree. Dice the pineapple. Set the juice aside.

Mix the mascarpone, curd, whipped cream and vanilla sugar together until the mixture is nice and creamy.

In a saucepan, briefly bring 50 ml of whipped cream to the boil, turn off and melt the white chocolate in it. In a deep dish, mix the pineapple juice with the Malibu. Now start layering.

Roll the biscuits in the pineapple juice and place in the mold or glasses. Spread the mascarpone layer on top, then the mango layer on top. Pour in the pineapple chunks. Sprinkle some coconut on top. Place soaked biscuits on top again. Spoon half of the white chocolate over the top so that a little is spread everywhere.

Sprinkle with coconut. Then again mascarpone cream and mango cream, pineapple pieces and finally again the biscuits. Spoon chocolate over the top and sprinkle with coconut.

Allow to cool well.

Preparation Tip:

If children are eating with you, just leave out the Malibu.

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