Cauliflower Pie

Rating: 1.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Remove the wedge-shaped stem from the cauliflower. In a high frying pan, bring a little water to the boil. Season lightly with salt and pour in the whole cauliflower. Cover and cook over low heat until just tender. Remove, cool and drain well.

Cut the puff pastry in half. Roll out both portions on a little flour until square. Place on parchment paper and refrigerate.

For the filling, grate the tofu through the Bircher grater. Mix the eggs, set aside three tablespoons for brushing, stir the rest into the tofu. Cut the chives directly with the scissors. Season with mustard, soy sauce and pepper and mix well.

Place cauliflower upside down in a small bowl and press filling into it.

Place a pastry sheet along with parchment paper on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the bread crumbs on the center. Place the cauliflower on top and cut away all but about 4 cm of the dough around the cauliflower, or cut it out with the springform ring. Brush the edge with water. Place the second sheet of dough over the cauliflower, also cut into the shape and press the edge well with a fork. Cut out a steam hole at the top. Brush the pie with the remaining egg. Make or cut strips from the leftover dough. Place these loosely on top of the pie from top to bottom and brush with egg as well.

Place in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.

Place in the lower part in the 225 degree oven and bake for twenty to twenty-five min.

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