Matie Salad Housewife Style

Rating: 3.875 / 5.00 (112 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



Mix sour cream with onions, diced cucumbers, mustard, capers, anchovy paste and pepper and season to taste. Fry potatoes in a pan with a little oil from both sides, drain on paper towels, arrange on plates.Mix sour cream with apples, onions and spices, season to taste, if possible let stand for 1 hour, if salt capers are used must not be salted.Arrange potatoes on plates, arrange fillet of maties on top and cover with the sauce. As a garnish egg slice, cooked beans, lettuce, red beet salad, diced peppers, cress, radishes, sherry tomatoes, asparagus pieces, self-pickled white cabbage, zucchini, etc.With paprika powder edelsüß, lemon juice, mustard and Tabasco sauce additionally season.Instead of sour cream with curd, crème fraîche or a mixture thereof prepare.

Preparation Tip:

Mix sour cream with horseradish, sautéed fennel and apple cubes, anise seeds, anise liqueur, finely chopped sauerkraut or home-pickled white cabbage, season with mustard, pepper, salt and a little vinegar.

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