Millet Dumplings with Cauliflower Cheese Sauce

Rating: 2.8 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Mix butter, well squeezed curd cheese, half of the cheese, one egg and one egg yolk, stir in the millet and let it rest for 30 min. so that the millet can swell. Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Whip 2 egg whites until stiff and fold into the millet mixture together with the parsley. Spoon the mixture into dumplings and cook them for 15 minutes in lightly simmering water.

Heat the vegetable soup. Cut the cauliflower florets from the stalk, cut the stalk and any green leaves into strips. Cook the strips for 10 minutes in the clear soup. Later, drain the clear soup, make another one and discard the stalk strips. Cook the cauliflower florets in the clear soup for 10 min and remove.

Let the remaining cheese melt in the clear soup.

Mix the remaining egg yolk with the whipped cream, add a little bit of hot clear soup and then mix into the saucepan with the clear soup. Season the sauce with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Add the cauliflower florets repeatedly.

Pour the sauce onto plates and place the dumplings on top.

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